Technology and Education

Using Youtube and Ipads in the Classroom
(Fall 2013)

During my student teaching, my seniors created youtube videos as authentic assessments. Students used the school Ipads and Imovie to create the videos. They added in text, vocals, music, pictures, and even other youtube videos. They were asked to form a social justice movement that is important to them. My students chose everything from bullying to homelessness. Check out their videos by following the link:

Students then had to upload their videos to , which is a site determined to helping people across the world. Anyone can view the petitions and sign them.

Here is just one example. Enjoy!

Ipad Technology for Visually Impaired Students
(March 26, 2013)

Technology Team Video
(December 6, 2012)

Technology in Education

Top Ten Tips For Blogging
(November 29, 2012)

1. Always Save
2. Watch the Tutorial videos
3. Make multiple pages to better organize your blog.
4. Embed videos
5. Link documents by uploading them through google.dox
6. Regularly update
7. Show your interests and work on your blog
8. Don't forget to share with others
9. Remember to go back and add music
10. Have fun!

November 13, 2012


Macs in Chinese School
(November 9, 2012)

Technology in Education

Top Ten Tips for Video Editing
(November 8, 2012)

1. Make sure the video is compatible with your editing software or program.
2. Keep in mind what you want to get across to your audience. 
3. How long does the video need to be?
4. Know all of the functions of your editing program. For example, how do you create transitions or credits?
5. Stabilize the video as much as possible.
6. Remember you can add voice overs. 
7. Get rid of unwanted background noise.
8. If your program does not automatically save then save often. 
9. Add extras like music, photos, and transitions.
10. Take credit for your work. Put your name on your work.

Top Ten Tips for Webquest
(November 8, 2012)

1. Be Creative!
2. Remember that this assignment will take time for both the teacher and students.
3. Be aware of the grade level.
4. Keep in mind essential questions and state and national standards.
5. Figure out how long the assignment should take. You do not want to overload your students.
6. Search around; look at credible websites, videos, pictures, etc.
7. Find around ten websites, and copy and paste them on a blank word document.
8. Go back to the websites. Ask yourself "Do they answer your essential questions?" "What kind of information will your students learn?"
9. Keep it simple and informative.
10. Always keep your students in mind. You want to keep them engaged, not bored. 

Top Ten Tips for Education Apps
(November 8, 2012)

1. Search through the top free Educational Apps in the App Center.
2. Find apps that are easy to use.
3. Never pay for the apps; there are tons of free apps or ask the school.
4. Ask yourself if you will actually use the app?
5. Don't download everything; you won't have any room left on your computer or tablet.
6. Make sure the students can use the apps too.
7. Make sure the school or district doesn't need to purchase the app for you to use it.
8. Find unique apps that cover a range of subjects or skills.
9. The apps should be easy to use; if you can navigate them then your students can too.
10. Check the charts. The app store is constantly updating.

Homework Help
(November 6, 2012)

Students can go to these websites for Homework help. They will be instantly linked to information for any subject they need. Students can also access tutorials and quizzes.

Quiz Hub


I-Movie Editing Instructions 
(November 5, 2012)

Getting Started PDF

I-Movie Instructions for Mac
(November 2, 2012)

Download Smart Converter from the App store for free.
Follow the instructions to download the App.
Drag one of the videos onto the Smart Converter window.
Go to the “Other” box on the far right.
Scroll down to Quicktime under Apple.
It will take a few minutes.Click Show File.
Go to I-Movie.
Go to File, Import, Movies
Add to Existing Event should say Event 1 or Event 2, etc.      
     If both of the Existing Events have videos, click create new event and name it. (You can Change
    “Event1” to whatever you choose after the video uploads).
Make sure Optimized video is at Large and checked and the Move Files button is clicked as well.
Click Import.

(October 18, 2012) is a site used to create an animated movie. You can sign up for a free account. You can move the frame, create gestures, and add dialogue. I hope you have fun with this one!

Sweet Search: A Search Engine for Students
(October 4, 2012)

Top Ten Power Point Tips
(October 4, 2012)
1. Always save!
2. Make it colorful.
3. Animations can make viewing a power point presentation more fun.
4. Do not read straight off the power point.
5. Add pictures. Pictures can help prove your point. 
6. If you see you are loosing your audience, you need to speed up the presentation. Only hit the key points.
7. If you want others to view your presentation later with the dialogue, record yourself narrating the power point.
8. Do not make your slides too wordy. Less is more.
9. Do not overuse power point presentations to relate information. Switch up your methods of presenting information.
10. Have fun!

Top Ten Prezi Tips
(September 23, 2012)

1. Watch the instructional videos on the program.
2. Pick a topic.
3. Be Prepared! Gather up the information needed to complete the presentation like pictures, graphs, and videos.
4. Don't be afraid to use the the templates supplied.
5. Start with the basics like a template, frame, or background picture.
6. Use a dark background with bright colors.
7. Don't be afraid to make mistakes.
8. Play around with the effects like fading in and out.
9. Resize the text or pictures to fit inside the frames.
10. Have fun!

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